Discovery On Demand

Discovery Place's Digital Learning Center

Discovery On Demand

Spring Sky Stargazing

Telescope Stars

As the Earth revolves, we get different views of constellations. What constellations should you keep an eye out for during the springtime in the Northern Hemisphere?

Sharing Our City with Wildlife

DSCF0030 1

As part of a collaborative research project Queens University, motion sensitive cameras captured images of various animals in the woods around Discovery Place Nature

Where Have All the Reptiles Gone?

Box Turtle

Ever wondered what happens to all the reptiles during winter? Learn about their strategies to make it through the colder months.

First in Flight


Celebrate the 118th anniversary of Wilbur and Orville Wright’s first flight and their contributions to aerospace technology.

World Kindness Day

World Kindness Day

Celebrate World Kindness Day! Be kind to each other, yourself and the world.

Curious Creatures

Butterfly Camo

Take a closer look at the living residents at Discovery Place Nature.

In The Wind

Wind Turbine

Across the world, wind turbines are used to harness energy to be turned in to electricity.

Wetlands and Flooding


Find out what makes wetlands in North Carolina so special, how to protect them, and the closest wetland near you.

The ecosystem of your home

Birds on a branch

If you live in the heart of Charlotte, or in the vast countryside, the area around your home is called an ecosystem!


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